We are a church that strives to passionately follow Jesus Christ. We do this creating environments where people can have an experience to encounter God. They allow us to...
LIVE up - Grow in our relationship with God because of Christ
LIVE in - Build our relationships with each other in Christ
LIVE out - Make and then serve new relationships with others through Christ
They also help us authentically live out our values
BELIEVING - Truly knowing and understanding who Christ is and who we are in Him
LIVING - Consistently learning how to grow to follow Jesus
GIVING - Constantly willing to share what God has given us to honor Him and bless others
SERVING - Tangibly meeting the needs of others to share the love of Jesus Christ
These environments may be bible studies, life groups, serving opportunities, music events, or just chances to hang out and encourage, comfort, and keep each other accountable.
Every Sunday morning at 10:30am we gather at 68 Holley Avenue, Huntington, WV 255705. We are in the old Geneva Kent Elementary building and we meet in the theatre. Our set is always changing. Our gathering consists of musical worship with a full band, open discussion and honest teaching from the Bible We get together as authentic Christ-followers to help each other in our journey with God. We desire for each person to have a personal encounter with God. We really want to spend time celebrating what God is doing in us and through us in the community as we serve both together and separately.
· Stadia: New Church Strategies – Irvine, California
· New Churches for the Kingdom – Gallipolis, Ohio
· KYOWVA Evangelistic Association – Ironton, OH
· Gateway Christian Church- St. Albans, WV
· First Church of Christ- Grayson, KY
· Central Christian Church- Ironton, OH
· Gallipolis Christian Church- Gallipolis, OH
As a group of Christ followers we desire to be the kind of church we see in the New Testament, specifically in the book of Acts. More than anything we want to faithfully live out what Jesus commissioned His followers to do- spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. We are locally led and loosely associated to the independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ who value church independence and freedom from denominational hierarchy.
We continue to desire partnerships with other churches, organizations, and individuals who share our passion for planting new churches. If YOU would like to help reGeneration continue to bring NEW LIFE to those seeking God in Huntington, contact Tracy by clicking the button below.