Stations of the Cross DAY 4- Devotional Thoughts for the Week Leading to Easter
Here are the next three stations of the cross. We’re getting closer to the day that we will celebrate our Risen Savior. HE IS RISEN!
Station Ten: Jesus Stripped of His Clothes
Matthew 27:34-5
They offered him wine to drink, mixed with gall; but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. And when they had crucified him, they divided his clothes among themselves by casting lots.
Job 5:17-18
How happy is the one whom God reproves; therefore do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he binds up; he strikes, but his hands heal.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, our Teacher on the Way, this station is hard for me. Even now, I want to find some way to avert my eyes, pretend it didn’t really happen. Convince myself that they did not strip you completely, that they left you with some shred of dignity. But somehow, I don’t think they did. This business of being stripped of one’s dignity is more than I can bear. As we walk this path together, I become aware of how much I protect myself to maintain my own dignity. I become aware of how I strip others of their dignity. As we walk this path together, help me look at you and to see that even though they could strip you of you clothing, they could not strip you of your true identity. Help me to root my identity more completely in you so I know that ultimately I have nothing to lose. Silence.
Lord, in your mercy...hear our prayer.
Station Eleven: Jesus Nailed to the Cross
John 19:18
There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.
Luke 23:33-34
When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified Jesus there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots to divide his clothing.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, our Teacher on the Way, the time has come. The moment to which your whole life has been leading. I look to you and see that you are not afraid. You are resolute and committed and I am in awe of what I see. Is there any word that could come from my mouth, any sentence that could capture what is happening now? You die for me, you give your all for my sins, you become the Man of Sorrows so that I can have joy. AS we walk this path together, I learn that sometimes there are no words... Silence.
Lord, in your mercy...hear our prayer.
Station Twelve: Jesus Dies on the Cross
Luke 23:44-46
It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, while the suns light failed; and the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Having said this, he breathed his last.
John 19:30
When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, our Teacher on the Way, how did you know when it was time to let go? How did you know when you had suffered enough and could finally and completely commend your spirit into God’s hand? I confess taht I don’t always know when to let go. I cling and grasp for every last straw. I do not lay my life down willingly and so it has to be wrenched from me and that always hurts more. As we walk this path together, teach me how to let go when it is time. Teach me to relinquish that very last breath of a thing that I think is mine to claim in this life so that I can live in total abandonment to you. But even in this, help me not force what I cannot be or jump ahead of where I really am. When it is time, show me how to do what I do not yet know how to do. Silence.
The Lords Prayer
Lord, in your mercy...hear our prayer.